- Inner Balance777 Academy Dr
Solana Beach, CA 92075(858) 755-5215 Clinic Hours
Mon9am - 6pmTue9am - 6pmWed9am - 6pmThu9am - 6pmFri9am - 6pmSat9am - 6pm
Happy Chinese New Year! The Wood Snake represents the power of Yin energy, wisdom. intuition, the shedding of old patterns and transformation that results from deep inner work and reflection. To honor this special Spring festival, we’re once again offering our 15 % off acupuncture for new patients. Call Charles at 858-755-5215
The gifts of Winter may be difficult to embrace since this season can also include illness, severe cold, hardship and a descent into darkness, not only with longer nights and shorter daylight, but with a descent into the hidden shadowy places of the psyche. However, in Chinese medicine, this most yin and inward season, is meant to be one of greater rest and energy restoration. Winter also carries the qualities of patience, purification and perseverance.
The kidney is the organ of winter and the seat of both fear and courage, plus it is the storehouse of our ancestral energy. Allowing ourselves to sleep more can help to replenish this ‘Jing’ reserve. Eating warming and seasonal foods like squashes and potatoes in soups and stews is highly recommended. Come in for a Jing kidney and adrenal tune-up for 15 % off until Feb.1 2023. Meanwhile best wishes for the holidays.
Each season is associated with different organs and elements. Fall is the season of the lungs and large intestine and the element of metal, which governs organization, communication, order and boundary setting. The yin energy becomes dominant as days grow shorter and the weather becomes colder. So it’s a natural time to slow down, become more introspective and create more order in your life.
The lungs are viewed as the ‘tender’ organ in Chinese medicine because they are the uppermost organ in the body and very susceptible to being adversely affected by cold and wind. Therefore it’s important to dress warmly and protect yourself from getting chilled. They also control the Wei-Chi which is the defensive energy on the surface of the body, rather like the auric field. I find that doing some vigorous deep breathing in the morning and at times throughout the day helps to invigorate this auric chi.
Lungs also are connected to the emotions of grief, sorrow and nostalgia, which are part of our human experience and not to be avoided. Grief that is fully processed can be strengthening. It can also awaken a sense of deep compassion for self and others.
The large intestine is paired with the lungs and represents our capacity to let go of what is no longer needed, just as leaves of hardwoods fall to the ground and decompose. So releasing whatever we might be hanging onto in both body and mind is a good practice along with making sure that our elimination is regular. Balancing the microbiome in the gut is also vital for a healthy immune system.
Come in for an autumn acupuncture session to strengthen the lungs, intestine, and immune system and receive a 20% discount until Dec. 21.
Spring greetings from Inner Balance. It’s the season of the liver, the organ associated with spring in Chinese medicine. The liver is also regarded as the general of the body and subordinate to the ruler, which is the heart. According to TCM, the liver houses the will and if toxic it may hold onto anger and resentment. So spring is a very good time to tonify and cleanse the liver with veggies like beets and artichokes and green juices, along with occasional apples. You could even forage for nettle and dandelion and make a spring tonic and cleansing tea for the liver, and drink it while focusing on letting go of any stuck energy in that area.
Since the liver is responsible for 500 functions in the body and is the main detoxification system, it’s important to keep the liver healthy. So we’re offering a special spring acupuncture tune-up or holistic health consultation for a 15% discount until May 1st. Call 858-7555-5215 to make an appointment. Happy Spring!
The dragon is considered the luckiest year in the Chinese Zodiac. It symbolizes vitality, determination, abundance, adventurous intelligence and ingenuity. To honor this special pre-spring festival, we’re once again offering our 15 % off acupuncture for new patients. Call Charles at 858-755-5215