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Dr. Charley Scott, D.C.

Dr. Charley Scott | Chiropractic KinesiologistChiropractic Kinesiologist
Over the past 25 years Dr. Charley has developed a strong following of patients searching for answers and care for their chronic and sometimes debilitating conditions. Conditions that interfere with their daily activities and at times leaving patients suffering and in pain.

Dr. Charley’s training and years of experience allow her to find the cause(s) of a condition with non-invasive testing. She treats each individual patient with the utmost of care and attention which is necessary to find the Root Cause of their condition. Finding the Root Cause of a chronic condition is necessary to help the patient heal and overcome their suffering and to move onto a healthy life.

To contact Dr. Scott directly please send an email to:

(858) 755-5215 Directions Contact/Schedule