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Cherry BlossomsSpring greetings from Inner Balance. It’s the season of the liver, the organ associated with spring in Chinese medicine. The liver is also regarded as the general of the body and subordinate to the ruler, which is the heart. According to TCM, the liver houses the will and if toxic it may hold onto anger and resentment. So spring is a very good time to tonify and cleanse the liver with veggies like beets and artichokes and green juices, along with occasional apples. You could even forage for nettle and dandelion and make a spring tonic and cleansing tea for the liver, and drink it while focusing on letting go of any stuck energy in that area.

Since the liver is responsible for 500 functions in the body and is the main detoxification system, it’s important to keep the liver healthy. So we’re offering a special spring acupuncture tune-up or holistic health consultation for a 15% discount until May 1st. Call 858-7555-5215 to make an appointment. Happy Spring!

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2024 lunar new year photo

The dragon is considered the luckiest year in the Chinese Zodiac. It symbolizes vitality, determination, abundance, adventurous intelligence and ingenuity. To honor this special pre-spring festival, we’re once again offering our 15 % off acupuncture for new patients. Call Charles at 858-755-5215

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year of the rabbit photo

With all the recent rains, green grasses have quickly covered the hillsides by our house here in So. Cal., which in turn have attracted many dear bunny rabbits for grazing. So we definitely feel that this is indeed a year for the ‘Water Rabbit.’  This is said to be a mellow yin energy year featuring the qualities of contemplation, fertile creativity, caution, and calm. To honor this special festival, we’re once again offering our 15 % off acupuncture for new patients. Call Charles at 858-755-5215

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Good Fortune for Chinese New Year’s

picture of a tiger

The year of the Yang WaterTiger has arrived. Deep roar to all. The organ associated with this sign is the kidneys, which in Chinese medicine stores the Jing or our ancestral energy of longevity. The kidneys are called the ‘root of life’, so this is a good year to strengthen the kidneys that also govern our ability to self-heal and recover from injury. Come in for a 15% discount on an acupuncture treatment to nurture and restore these primal kidney energies. Rejuvenate your Jing power.

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Midsummer Well Being with Acupuncture & Holistic Health

Woman Midsummer Acupuncture and Holistic HealthBoth Chinese medicine and holistic health believe in seasonal approaches to wellness. Since humans are part of nature, our bodies reflect and respond to the natural world.

At Midsummer, the fire and yang energies are at their peak, and we must be take care not to get over-heated and to stay hydrated, especially as our climate crisis intensifies. Treatments that tonify and balance yang Qi can be very beneficial at this time.

The heart is the organ ascribed to the summer season. It is considered to be the ruler of the body and the seat of joy. The opportunity to cultivate a healthy heart-centered approach to life is the gift of Midsummer.

If the heart is in balance, it will be a kind leader, but if it is imbalanced, there may be experiences of insomnia, excess sweating, restlessness or depression. So come in soon for a midsummer tune-up and receive a 15 % discount on acupuncture or holistic health or ecotherapy treatments.

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